Thursday, April 29, 2010

It's been a while

So hello there people.

I know that it has been a while since I wrote anything in here. But I expect that you all have survived without me telling you stories about what I am up too.

A few new things has been going on during the last month. Among these things is the fact that I am back spending my days at a place called Integro in Fredericia.
Integro is a place for people who have no job and are on wellfare, and since I am on part wellfare I was sent there. Or rather I chose to go there. The alternative was to go to a place where there are different workshops where they make you do things that you really don't need a brain to perform.
Now some of you would no doubt comment on that. "You should be perfect for that, 'cause you're dumb". Be that as it may I am not a handyman and most of the things at "that other place" are about putting things together, tending to something that is broken and doing work at a conveyor belt. And that is really not my cup of tea, or coffee for that matter. And something is wrong when I turn down coffee.

Anywho! I am back at Integro and I am actually oki with it right now.
I earn a fair deal, both money and experience, working as a masseur for the wellness-spa in Kolding. And this has made me decide to take the leap.
I am going into business for myself as an independent masseur.
The last few weeks when I have gone to Integro I have been reading up on tax rules and insurance and stuff like that. And it has been some informative weeks I must say. And I am ever so close to going into business for myself.
Another well established masseur in Fredericia has agreed to help me get started. There is also a story connected to this guy which still puts a small smile on my face.
A while back I gave a massage to a woman who I know because we went to the mediator courses together. I gave her the massage because her regular guy was sick at the time, so I agreed to help instead.
A few days after that particular massage I went to visit my parents. My mother then had a visitor/customer who dropped of some yarn and a reciepe for a sweater that she should knit for him.
It then turns out, after a short conversation, that he is a masseur as well and of course it turns out to be the masseur who I replaced a few days earlier.
We got to talking a bit and he and I agreed on keeping in touch and find a date for us to have a longer chat and also arrange for me to give him a massage so that he would know what I could and could not do.
That day arrived and he was very pleased with the result, telling me that he had had quite a few people come through that did not do as good a job as me. And because I did such a good job I was welcome to stop by with some business cards for him so that he would have something to give to people. He himself has not taken in new clients in about 4 years, because he has been fully booked.
I was pretty happy to get that kind of feedback, and he has helped me even more since then.
So at the work front I am really REALLY close to starting up my own business. So that should be good fun. I know I know, and hard work as well. But who cares as long as I am enjoying it? And I do enjoy helping people like this.
So that is what's up on the work front.
On the training/teaching front things are very hectic at the moment. Well not more that usual really. Maybe it's because I now work every other weekend and my days off seem so far apart I feel more tired?
The schedule is still the same for me though. Teaching monday - thursday and sometimes training or teaching on friday. So things are going great there as well. Not that much new to tell really. Still the same classes and still more or less the same schedule. The only thing different from the last time I told about the schedule is that Lasse and I started teaching the kids on thursdays as well on mondays. And also I have agreed to help on the adult Ju-Jutsu class to help people get ready for their next belt promotion. Or graduation as it is called. But other than that it is aikido monday, tuesday, wednesday and sometimes friday.

So there you have it folks!
A few new things has happened since my last post. And with the pace that I am going at the moment a nice little handfull of stuff should be happening over the course of the summer.
So until next time. Stay safe and make sure you look both ways when crossing the street.