Sunday, May 9, 2010

I did it, and I didn't. But I still did!!!

Well people.

This weekend I spent a few hours on the streets of Middelfart, Snoghøj and Erritsø running 21km. The occasion was as mentioned before Lillebælt Halvmarathon. A run that I have been looking forward to do for some time now. More than once I have been asking myself what the hell I was getting myself into, but once I got it into my head that I couldn't be too bad I gave it a go. And considering everything, I am very pleased with my result.

Everything started as planned. I made sure to run in the middle of the road, because I am not allowed to do that on normal days. Why not do it when it is possible? :o)
Because I had signed up a bit late, this being on day 2, my start number was 7164 which meant that I was to start in Hessgade in Middelfart and not in Havnegade. The first 6000 were to start near the harbour using the finish line as a start line. And everybody with starting numbers from 6001 and above started in Hessgade.
I was actually pretty happy with this because of the route that we then would take. We would after a few 100m make it to Brovejen and a nice even climb without it being a bummer to run.
The people stating in Havnegade had a somewhat annoying hill to climb almost at the beginning up through Kongebroskoven. And eventhough it was in the beginning of the race it as still a pain in the ass to run up hill.
After around 3km we got to Lillebæltsbroen, the grand old lady that turns 75 years old on May 14th. Quite a good feeling to get to run in the middle of the road and just see that the whole bridge was packed with people.
At the 5km mark I had a look at my watch and it told me that 30min had gone. Keeping up the time I had set for myself.
After 6km the route crossed very close to my parents place in Snoghøj, and as would be expected quite a few people from Jens Kromanns Vej was there cheering. I gave my gloves and hat to my mother, she took a photo, and I took off again.
Not to much to tell from here until I reached the 10km mark. I did that in under an hour and I was very pleased with that. This was one of my goals for the race, so yay for me. :o)
After that things sadly started to go wrong.
At around 11km I could feel my shoe grinding my foot, and to avoid getting a blister I re-tied my shoe. Off course too tight so I had to re-tie it after a few 100m. At this point my right hip started hurting a bit, but I was still moving in a run like pace. But this I had to give a small break as my left knee started acking a bit. So at this point I started to switch between running and walking. Simply because I had made a pact with myself that I was going to finish on my own and not in the back of a first-aid van.
Just before crossing the bridge again around the 14km mark I once again was expecting to see some of the people form Jens Kromanns Vej, and they did not disappoint. This time my mother got a photo of me running towards her, so there is a nice memory. :o)
I told her about my progress and went on my way having made a deal with myself that I would run across the bridge in both directions. Second goal of the race = done!
On the crossing the bridge I ran past Per who, like me, follow FC Fredericia so we have drunk our share of beer together. I poked him on the shoulder and told him to get a move on and just keep the pace for the last 6km. And I must admit that it felt good, in a strange kinda way, to hear him say something like "Yes I know" and then just see him disappear on the crowd in front of me. Well done Per! :o)
After crossing the bridge we made a right turn and for more than a few km I was walking here. The trip had gotten the better of my hip at this point, the blister on my foot was getting more and more annoying but on the up side I wasn't tired and my knee wasn't hurting.
I lost a great deal of time walking of course, but I thought it to be best to act on the signs from my body. So I walked. How far I am not really sure but a few km. Just to get rid of the pain in the hip.
Around the 19km mark I made up my mind to run the last few km, which was rudely interrupted by a cramp in my left calf-muscle after only a few steps. I had a quick stretch and kept on going. This cramp haunted me for maybe 500m or so, but I ran through it and it eventually went away. The fact that it haunted me when I got home to my parents and all through the night is a completely different story. But as that story contains point where I take off my clothes I will keep that to myself.
I was now on the last stretch of the race and after the walking my hip wasn't complaining too much anymore. This meant that I could actually keep a pretty good pace through the final 1,5km. And instead of people passing me, I was passing them. This made me a little giddy and as I passed a few guys who was sitting by the road cheering I reached out to grab a water bottle one of the guys was holding. I didn't get a hold of it, but the last guy in line was ok with me stealing his beer yelling "Yeah, you just take that Steffen". My first thought was: How does he know my name? I have never seen him before in my life? Just to remember that my name was written with big letters on the piece of paper I had pinned to my shirt. My second thought was that now that I have beer it would be a shame to let it go to waste, so I had myself a run-beer. This was, strangely enough, also a first for me. Never before have I had a beer while running. Before yes, after certainly. But during no. But now. Did it, done it, might even do it again...
Close to the finish line I was getting a good felling with everything. No real amount of pain, only what should and could be expected, and a fair amount of wind and energi left in the tank. The route turned a corner and I thought that now I can see Lillebælt and the harbour, now I am almost there. Just to be guided back to the left AWAY from the finish line. Bugger!!!
But "bugger" being said I passed the finishline the same way I passed the start. Running. And I am really happy about that.
From the beginning of this little adventure I had set the goal to do the race in around 2 hours. That didn't happen, and eventhough I am competitive I am actually ok with that.
So to explain the headline: I ran the Lillebælt Halvmarathon, but not in under 2 hours. But I finished the damn thing with my head held high!

You can see some of the facts of my race here: Result

And for the lazy people who don't want to click a link but just read on I can tell you this:
Bruttotime: 02:25:32
Nettotime: 02:23:53

10km time: 00:58:17
20km time: 02:18:34

Speed: 8,78km/h
Pr km: 06:51 min/km

A quick explanation of the brutto/netto thing is that the start gun went off and that was when the clock started. But as I was in the middle of the field at the time my time didn't start before I passed the start line. So the gun went off on the brutto, and as I crossed the start line my nettotime started.

If you click the last link I have provided you can see a clip of me crossing the finishline. Look at the clock and look for the guy with the black pants, blue shirt with grey sleaves underneath, but most importantly the strange looking lower leg movement. I might as well write that last part myself as I know it might get commented on in the future. ;o)

Over and Out

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

I think my body hates me. :o/

I am not usually one to complain. At least not about my health, aches and pains. When you train a lot the body is bound to hurt sometimes, and I think with training and teachings martial arts 4-5 days a week I neatly fit into the catagory of training a lot.
But that is not what this is about... This is about the fact that this year I have, just like last year, signed up to run the "Lillebælt Halvmarathon". And to run that you need to train. And so I have. I've been running a lot and things have been going really well.
Up until today.
My throat is sore, not from yelling as would be expected, but as in "getting sick" sore, and on top of that my left knee is now hurting a hell of a lot more than usual. And I have no idea why?
Last year I had to cancel my plans to do the Lillebælt thing because of an injury. In the left knee. And now all of a sudden, 4 days before this years race I can hardly walk without looking more of a retard than usual. WHAT THE FUCK IS UP WITH THAT!?
Heffer is not a happy camper...

The day so far hasn't caused me too many problems. Started the day working at "Quattro Clinic". Going there on a bike that seriously needs a fixin'. The chain keeps falling off and I really don't have the time to get it fixed. I need the damn thing to get around. From Quattro a quick trip to city hall and then home. Later today I am going to visit Erik, the masseur that is helping me. And he is going to teach me some new tricks. And this evening I am teaching aikido in vejle. So the day is looking pretty good. Plus the weather is really nice as well.
So in light of all the positive things happing during the day I know that I should stay cheerfull. But honestly! Who do I have to punch in the face to get a left knee that doesn't make me walk like Herr Flick?