Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Questions, questions.

Whenever people get to know just a little about me two questions start to surface. And they will always arrive sooner or later. I have no idea why?
In recent memory I have gotten the two questions more than ever...
The first is "What is it that you do with your evenings really? You're never home and you never answer your phone?" And the second following close behind: "But!??? Don't you have a girlfriend?"
My answers are usually and honestly: "I am training, teaching or working, and no."
This respons has made me think a bit about my situation. Is it really true that I use so much time teaching and training? And I am both sad and proud to say that it really is.

My training/teaching/work schedule looks something like this:
Monday: Teaching a kids class (5-8 year olds) from 16:45-17:45. And later at 20:30-21:45 I either teach or train aikido. Both classes in Fredericia.

Tueday: Teaching aikido from 20:15-21:45 in vejle. Because it is vejle and I have to take the train I start out from my flat somewhat earlier at around 18:45.

Wednesday: Teaching or training aikido from 18.00-19.15 in Fredericia.

Thursday: At the moment this is my day off. But starting next season I will most likely be teaching the kids class here as well. Same time as on Monday and again in Fredericia.

Friday: Train aikido in Fredericia

This brings us to the weekend. Every other weekend I work at "Dronning Dorotheas Badstue", which is a health-spa, in Kolding. Both Saturday and Sunday is from 9.00-18.00. At times it happens that there are some spa-thingy in Kolding which require extra hands. This is usually Fridays from 17:30-24:00. This obviously means that I am not training on those Fridays.
Moreover I have said yes to take on some new shifts once in a while, also on Fridays. Meaning more work for me, which is good. New shifts are from 18.00-23.00 or something like that?

On weekends that I do not work I most often spend Saturdays at my parents place. Washing my clothes, eating their food. Lifting and moving heavy objects. Stuff like that. And Sundays I like to spend going to football games to support my team FC Fredericia both home and away. I call it football because I am not American.

More than a couple of times a year I use my weekends training aikido. 3-4 times a year a German instructor is invited to Denmark to teach. And because of my rank I am pretty much expected to attend unless someone dies or my legs are broken.
I am currently Shodan, 1. degree black belt, and one of the first to get this rank in Denmark. Now there are 7 black belts in Denmark, so I am one of many. But because I am also an instructor some of the Germans tend to expect more of me than some of the other black belts.
Also I spend many weekends travelling to Germany to train. Going to seminars both with German instructors, but also making sure to be there when Shimizu Sensei is there. Again we are a few who are more or less expected to be there. At least when Sensei is travelling to Northern Germany.

So there you have it.

That's answering question number one. And I guess also question number two?
In between training, teaching, working and travelling I don't seem to have time to do much else.
I am not complaining. Not at all. I enjoy my life. And I am sure that when I get a girl there will be time for her as well. But right now I am not thinking much about that really.
It might sound a little harsh, but in between work, training, football-trips and everything else I pretty much get my social cup filled. And at the end of the day I do enjoy my alone time.

All that being said I do like girls. And I have every intention in getting a girlfriend again some day. But for now... I don't know? Lets just say that I wouldn't say no if the right girl came along.